Greenland Enhanced Learning Provision (ELP)
The Enhanced Learning Provision at Greenland is a purpose built, double classroom base offering a holistic approach to learning in a calm, nurturing environment surrounded by woodland and overlooking our Forest school. ELP 1 is a Lower Key Stage provision and ELP 2 is an upper Key Stage provision. The ELP has capacity for 24 children.
Who attends
Children who attend the provision have EHCPs and a combination of needs including learning and cognition, social and communication including ASD, ADHD, FASD, sensory needs, gross and fine motor skills difficulties and social, emotional and mental health difficulties which affect their ability to learn, interact with peers and thrive.
Structure of day
Children have a soft landing, sensory based and calming activities to begin the day and opportunities for shared talking and listening with a snack and drink. Children’s self-belief and emotional state is paramount to learning and we always ensure children are ready to learn before a learning demand is placed on them. Short sharp bursts of learning are followed by opportunities for movement or to self-regulate. Mornings are structured so that lessons and breaks take place at the same times each day and children know what to expect. Adaptations and personalised access to movement and self regulation is also built in to the day where needed.
Explicit teacher modelling and opportunities for group and independent work using metacognitive approaches (I do, we do, you do) are used in every lesson. On mornings children access Maths and English learning activities based on their stage and learning is adapted to meet their needs. On afternoons, children have access to an age related foundation curriculum where the emphasis is on whole class learning and a commitment to using kinaesthetic learning and continuous provision (with a reduced focus on writing outcomes/evidence). An individualised offer is provided, where children who are able, can access lessons with peers in mainstream classes if academically suitable and beneficial to them. Forest school is provided to embed and improve learning and social outcomes.
Additional support
Regular movement and de-escalation strategies are used for self or co-regulation and Zones of Regulation check ins are utilised throughout the day to support emotional awareness and communication. Personalised SEN interventions such as Speech and Language interventions, sensory input or fundamental movement skills, social and emotional learning programmes and a range of interventions to boost areas of cognitive difficulty, are provided by our Teaching Assistants.
ELP Lead and SENDCO - Miss Mallett
Teacher ELP 1 - Mrs Heslop
Teacher ELP 2 - Miss Randle
Teaching Assistant - Miss Damsell
Teaching Assistant - Mr Shaw
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Coldman
Other support staff can be allocated to the ELP to support children with higher levels of need, such as medical, as appropriate. There are also often student teachers or social work students in the ELP on specific days who can support with interventions or work with the children.