Attendance & School Holidays

Regular and punctual school attendance is important. Pupils need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by law. Schools within the Stanley Learning Partnership (SLP) fully recognise their responsibilities to ensure pupils are in school and on time, therefore having access to learning for the maximum number of days and hours.
The National Average for attendance is 96.1%. Here at Greenland we strive to exceed this and endeavour to help and support our families so that together we can achieve this.
Mr Shaw (Attendance Officer) is here to help you and can be contacted by calling our Main Office on (01207) 232147 should you have any concerns with regards to your child’s attendance.
We understand wholeheartedly that children genuinely become unwell and this should never be a concern. If this is this is the case, then parents are encouraged to contact Mr Shaw to share them and identify a way to work together to eradicate them.
A weekly whole school assembly is held which solely focuses on attendance. We are proud that like staff, children now see attendance as a main contributor to their learning, achieving and success. In addition we have a number of individual and class incentives and rewards to encourage our children to embrace the importance of good attendance.
Our guide to attendance details the procedure families should follow when your child is late or unwell. To view this information click here: Attendance information for parents. Should you wish to access a copy of our full Attendance Policy please contact school on (01207) 232147.
Training Days
Training days for 2024/25 are:
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Friday 31st January 2025
Friday 23rd May 2025
Please visit the Durham County Council website to view or download the school holidays dates for this academic year and next year for all community schools, special schools and voluntary controlled schools. Please note that voluntary aided (church) schools, foundation schools and academies may have set different dates and you should check with the school or academy to confirm their arrangements or view the PDF for schools not following the standard term and holiday dates.
School Holidays During Term Time
Inline with government regulations, Headteachers have the discretion to grant leave, but they should only do so in exceptional circumstances. If a head teacher grants a leave request, it will be for them to determine the length of time that the child can be away from school. This leave is unlikely, however, to be granted for the purposes of a family holiday. Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school.
Please contact the school if you wish to discuss this with the Headteacher.